On the way to Amazonia!!! and a bit of philosophy

This entry was started in Salvador on my last days of my three months in and around there, finished in Recife where I spent a few days staying with a lovely Couchsurfer, on the first leg of a 5000 km coach and boat trip to Manaus in Brazilian Amazonia, and finally published from Fortaleza on the north coast of Brazil.... ...... Serendipity and Living the Moment Last time I sat down to write this, last week, I was reflecting about the importance of wandering with no special purpose.... As I wrote then.... “I've just been reading, here in my airbnb in Salvador, a beautiful photo album book by Pierre Verger, a French anthropologist who's done substantial work charting the African diaspora in Brazil. There are several exhibition centres here in Salvador dedicated to his work and showing his photos. The first sentence in the book was about how LOOKING is important, and that he takes photos, not at first understanding why he's taking them; the meaning of the photo beco...