Last day of Carnival - a quick update, more later

Dear fionaistravelling blog readers

Writing a travel blog post  represents about three hours of sitting down and reflecting.  And although I LOVE  doing this writing, I've never been a big one for reflecting over the years...   I tend to get on with the next project or the next thing rather than sit down to write up how the last thing went.  

BUT every minute of every day while I'm living this travelling life, I'm thinking of it in terms of my travel blog, and while I'm experiencing things, I'm also writing about them in my head.  I eventually started recording my conversations with myself, which will help for the longer version of this post.  

 One thing about Salvador is that it's not a good idea to go out with a good phone - so my photos are all about context and subject rather than photo quality.... but there you are.  There are lots of places to go to get photo quality.  On here you get my odd way of looking at the world instead....    I've  been taking photos to illustrate the fascinating small details, as well as photos to illustrate the big events.  So for example the flowers washed up on the shore next to the old beer cans, after being cast into the sea as offerings for Iamanja at dawn on the day that thousands of Brazilians flocked to Rio Vermelho in the south of Salvador ...  

and the stall holders who were up all night serving the partygoers

and the street sweepers and the people who collect the cans at the carnival parade, who all move their bodies to the Brazilian rhythms just as much as the people dressed up walking and dancing in the 'blocos'

I've got a long post fermenting, with lots of pix, which will include... my last weeks at the language school, going to the Holocaust Memorial event run by the local Jewish community, going to see lots of art, starting going to a wonderful Brazilian chiropractor (who's also a doctor and referred me to get a MRI scan (cost £75, got the appointment 24 hours after requesting it...), setting up a new page  (  , being interviewed by two podcasters who were at the storytelling event on the ship, lots and lots of precarnival and carnival events,  and setting up a SECOND Hannah Frank art exhibition in Lencois 

(as well as being in touch with four history of art students at home who are setting up a Hannah Frank permanent gallery in the care home she spent her last days in.) 

and lots and lots of wall to wall carnival.  

For now, I'm just sending this, as it's the last day of carnival and I have to rush out and try and see everything !!! 

But to whet your appetite, here's me in a Cortejo Afro 'bloco' costume.... taken by some very sweet guys on the side of the road. 

(these are the guys who took the photo)

The blue rope is the 'bloco' dividing line - more later on that ..... 

over and out for now... 

love |Fiona 

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