Of Goats and Votes - my fourth week and my second podcast

Yesterday (Friday 25th)  was Referendum Day in Ireland and it looks like the constitutional amendment which restricted the right to abortion has been repealed.We'll find out for sure later today. (Sat 26th). 

In the meantime I have produced my second podcast.  This is a moving interview with Vanessa O'Sullivan, who's a political activist and who I met here at Cape Clear Island on the goat farm, where she has been helping Ed run the goat farm for the past few years. She talks about the deep connection that she has with the goats - and with Ed - and how the connection with the goats was just what she needed to help her at a difficult time in her life - and about her life in campaigning politics, and the importance that the result of today's referendum has for her.

You can find the podcast, "I'm looking forward to the day I don't have to tell my story", here on my podcast page: and there's a direct link here.

Here's Vanessa a few years ago with Mint, one of her favourite goats - a photo she talks about in the longer unedited interview which is also linked on my podcast page.

Coincidentally, on Friday's episode of the Archers they talked about 'Goat Yoga' which is a craze sweeping the states  - a new moneymaking thing here, perhaps?

I have fallen in love with Cape Clear Island. I walk down to the harbour here with Izzy the guidedog most days (she doesn't get out much now as a working dog, as Ed's not as fit as he was) and I just feel ecstatic doing the walk.... there was a lovely pub music session on Wednesday night, with melodeon (me), a whistle, guitars, and an assorted set of American visitors singing rock classics with lyric reminders from their iphones, along with the ballad singing from Ed and the Irish tunes from me and Seamus the whistle player.

This afternoon is the Political Contemporary Dance performance that I mentioned in my last blog... plus a trip to the Fastnet Lighthouse shortly, and a traditional Irish session at the club tonight. I mentioned last time that I was going to do a Klezmer dance teaching thing during the dancing activities, but needed a musician  - and then Iris the Dutch traveller turned up, she's a semi-professional fiddle player and plays Klezmer music, we've printed her out the tunes and borrowed her a fiddle.

So watch this space!  I've done lots of recordings so hope to get some more editing done soon

all the best
Fiona nearly four weeks in...


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