Fiona's Travelling Adventure Week One!

I absolutely said I wasn't going to write a travel blog on my six months Travelling Adventure!  So i've bought a zappy Zoom tape recorder and am doing some recordings which I'm going to edit into a few little podcasts as I go.  I haven't had a chance to do that yet though, so I'm just posting my first and second week's thoughts on this blog.... which will be much more readable than an email, if I want to add pix and clips, it turns out. 
So here we go.
Here's my first week which I wrote and emailed out to some friends ten days ago, on Saturday 5th May, more or less the end of my first week. ....

"Thanks for saying you'd like to hear how my Travelling Adventure is coming along.

The idea is that I'll be publishing some podcasts at some stage. I have been doing some recordings eg of the nice lady on the ferry who put out a notice on the tannoy for a lift for me as the boat was late  and I was going to miss the bus .... 

However I can't edit my podcasts at the moment because the universe decided that I should be separated from my laptop during the first week of my Adventure - it has been sitting quietly all week in the back of the car that gave me a lift from the ferry. I tracked it down through knowing that the driver's friend was called Eileen and sings in a choir - and the Wexford Festival Singers did the rest. I'll be getting it back on Monday, meanwhile it's been brilliant not having my laptop here to distract me. 

I have however done a long walk on the coastal path , a yoga class, eaten some lovely meals, seen a brill film at the local community centre (the water diviner, about Gallipoli, worth seeing) ; cooked a bit, read loads of trashy novels, an uplifting life-coachy one and finally my Mindfulness textbook that I've had for four years unopened. I've been to the Saltee Islands and sat perfectly still for three and a quarter hours, mainly awake, watching a fabulous Bird Ballet Show ... and tomorrow all being well I'll be meeting an Artistic Philosopher-Thatcher Matt Whelan 

I've seen the beautiful boat that we're doing the Day Skipper course in 

Meeting Dawn and Ralph on Monday ready for the course starting on Tuesday. I've bought some rope to practise knots with , can't believe I didn't bring the rope with me that I already had. And *absolutely* cannot believe that there was some version of a Fiona last week who thought this week's version wouldn't want my binoculars. Annoying! 

I do have too much stuff with me however, and have already posted a package home yesterday. At some stage I may have to say goodbye to the Lilliput melodeon, but not until the may bank hol weekend when I'll be going to a very nice English music  session or two or three at Bampton   (I can imagine not having the melodeon round Europe in a boat or at the Yiddish Summer Weimar where it will be a bit like a ham sandwich at a Jewish wedding, being Diatonic and therefore not able to or interested in playing in the Dorian scale for Klezmer .... )

Musical technical stuff over now you'll be glad to hear. 

I'm off to have a meal in the pub where they say they have a trad music session tonight, we'll see. (they didn't!!)

Next week sailing course
Then the Baltimore Fiddle Festival and two weeks on a goat farm in Cape Clear Island. 

Then Bampton and a few days in Oxford before a ferry to Spain, a few days with Kate then picking up a boat to help with a delivery round the north of Spain, down Portugal, and back round to Cadiz ........ luckily the other two on the boat know how to sail and I'm just doing what I'm told. 

Then zipping over to Barcelona for the ferry to Sardinia for a week in an apartment then a month in a catamaran - 

Then 3 weeks in Weimar volunteering at and then dancing at the Yiddish Summer Weimar Klezmer festival .., then I have absolutely no plan. Croatia looks nice, Prague looks nice. 

All I want to achieve on this Travel Adventure is the ability to sit still not jittery and not checking emails and stay awake ... 
which I seemed to do up to a point today for more than three hours . Need more practice but I'm getting there  ! 

Over and out for now
Love Fiona 
as from Kilmore Quay 
County Wexford


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