no 3: Santander to Tenerife (three more sleeps till the ship to Brazil!)

This should carry on neatly from my first blog, posted a few days ago.... I arrived in Santander after the second night on the ferry and was met by my lovely friend Kate who I’ve known since we were in our 20s and who’s lived in Cantabria for many years. (there's a very long story about how she ended up there, which I was reminded the other day was down to a tenuous set of events which all started with me meeting Alfonso Garcia Oliva , a Spanish bagpipe player and musical instrument maker, at a traditional folk event in Geneva in 1986 - he was living with his Swiss then girlfriend Sylvie at the time . Kate met her Spanish former partner Marcos through this connection with Alfonso, and ended up living in Spain and having a long musical career there...) On the way back to Kate's we went for a walk on the most gorgeous beach at Liencres, before arriving at her house. She’s actually sold her lovely house where she's lived for years, and is...