travelling adventure, eight weeks later: an update, two announcements and an invitation

In this blog - a bit of an update , two announcements and an invitation Thank you so much for your support and encouragement over the past months. This year has been pretty brilliant and I’m so glad I pushed myself to do my Six Months Travelling Adventure - at the end of the year I’m broke but happy! I’ve been back in the UK now for exactly eight weeks. It’s been an odd time. The main thing that has changed is that I absolutely don’t want anything to do with any of the stuff that I packed away in the storage unit before I went away. My lovely tenants and I shared a storage unit, they put their furniture in there and I put my ‘things’ in. And none of us have been quick to empty the unit! I’ve been three times and taken a handful of things like the microwave, sheets, cutlery...and have a list of about 20 other things that I’d quite like to keep. But apart from that, I’m just not interested in surrounding myself with all the books and other ‘stuff’ tha...